Whether you need refreshing for the week ahead or revival from the night before, this 25 minute Sunday pick-me-up is a tender sonic tonic. Blending the sound of singing bowls, a gong and gentle percussion, it'll grease the wheels, leaving you fresh as a daisy.

Where: Civic Classroom (Hackney Baths)

Bring: Eye Mask, Blanket

Wear: Comfortable Clothing

Sound Bath Salon

group sessions

Classic Sound Bath

Searching for solid relaxation? Slide into our Classic Sound Bath

Sauna Sound Bath

Hot, potent and wholesome? Give our Sauna Sound Bath a go

private treatments

Sound & Massage

Wanna go deeper? Sound & Massage has your back. Schedule an appointment today.

1-2-1 Sound Therapy

Something more targeted? Book a treatment with our 1-2-1 Sound Therapist.

ready for calm?

go to BALM