Contact Us

drop us a line

You can find us here! (Sauna Sound Bath)

The Baths, 80 Eastway, London, E9 5JH

If you'd like to get in touch, send an email to we'll get back to you ASAP x

or find us on socials


The Baths

80 Eastway, London, E9 5JH

Community Sauna

As you enter The Baths, follow the signs to the right and go all the way down the corridor and outside.

No points for guessing that we host our Sauna Sound Baths in the Community Sauna's 20-person sauna known as the Saunaverse! Handsdown the hottest place in Hackney Wick.

Southbank Centre

Belvedere Rd, London SE1 8XX

Chaka Khan's Meltdown

We're excited to announce that as a mum and son duo (Shaun and Arlene), BALM sound are putting on 2 x 25 minute sound baths on Weds 19th June at Chaka Khan's Meltdown festival at the Southbank Centre! And tickets are FREE.

We'll be relaxing the masses in the ample Clore Ballroom of the Southbank Centre.

Just a short walk from Embankment and Waterloo stations. See you there!

More locations to be announced! Watch this space...

ready for calm?

go to BALM